Start a career that improves the health of individuals and communities

Discover the power of food with UNE’s 营养学理学学士学位 degree. 随着与饮食有关的慢性疾病的影响急剧上升, there is a mounting need for more 营养 specialists to improve the health of individuals and communities — both locally and globally. 在我们的节目中, you will learn the practical skills that are in demand by employers: how to conduct 营养al assessments, 创建健康项目, 制定粮食政策, 并为运动员提供运动营养方面的建议. By understanding the science behind 营养 and how to collaboratively work as part of a health care team, 你会给人们的生活带来真正的改变.



UNE的营养学学位是成功的秘诀, 提供一流设施的独特组合, 实际实习经历, 全球旅行, and the opportunity to learn how to provide 营养al guidance as part of a comprehensive health care team.

  • 服务学习和社区体验
  • 令人兴奋的实习工作经验
  • 在各个卫生专业工作的机会
  • 大型商业厨房,用于食品准备培训
  • 校内使用 Makerspace 纳入课程
  • 出国留学机会


Public 健康, Nutrition, Applied Nutrition, Dietetics Focus


I'm from a very close-knit community and [UNE] just felt like home. 我真的很喜欢这个小学校. 

当我第一次 营养 我完全坠入爱河了. I was really interested in how 营养 played a role in our body and all the different impacts and implications on our health. 

现在,我得到我的 应用营养营养学理学硕士. I think to be able to go from undergrad at UNE to then jump to grad school has really been a smooth transition. [As undergrads] we got a lot of fundamental knowledge, that's something that I take advantage of. 

My professors encourage me to take advantage of [research opportunities]. 我非常感激有这个机会. I think that just further enhances the skills and the knowledge that I can take with me. 


There are a lot of opportunities [for students] to get involved and to further your learning outside of your program [through the 公共卫生卓越中心)]. I got involved in research partnering with the Westbrook Housing Authority and as well as the Southern Maine Agency on Aging. The whole point [of our research] is to look at the impact of an Innovative Pandemic Responsive Nutrition Education Program. Residents sign up to be in sessions where they receive 营养 education. I can be a resource of what I know if there are any of those general 营养 questions that are being asked because I have that background [from my] undergrad in 营养.

我在课堂上了解了缅因州的人口老龄化问题, but to hear about these personal experiences is really eye opening. ​​I really got to understand firsthand a lot of the barriers that these older adults face. 能参与其中真是太有意义了. I think [the 公共卫生卓越中心’s (CEPH)] role at UNE is incredibly important in the work that they're doing to better the community, 更好地利用资源, 并打破这些障碍.

当我第一次上营养学课时,我完全爱上了它. I was really interested in how 营养 played a role in our body and all the different impacts and implications on our health.

Public 健康, Nutrition, Applied Nutrition, Dietetics Focus

你将学习什么? B.S. 营养学课程概述

有很多方法可以导航我们的B.S. 在营养. The following are some examples of the exciting courses that you can take:

  • “食品科学概念与食品安全
  • 健康烹饪基础
  • 食物,健康和疾病
  • 横跨七大洲的营养
  • 粮食系统和公共卫生
  • 设计和支持健康社区


生物104/104L -普通生物学带实验室4
生物208/208L -解剖学和生理学入门(带实验室4
生物209/209L -解剖学和生理学导论II带实验室4
CHE 130 -化学原理4
eng110 -英语写作4
EXS 120 -个人健康和保健3
IHS 130 – Interprofessional 健康 Care First-Year Experience3
IHS 310 -跨专业实践的道德规范3
MAT 120 -统计 or MAT 150 -生命科学统计学3
鸟叔105 -心理学入门3
鸟叔250 -寿命发展3
SOC 150 -社会学入门3
一(1)创意艺术课程(前缀ARH, ART) or 亩)3
BIO 318 -生命周期中的营养3
cmm122 -口头交流 or SPC 100 -有效的公共演讲3
EXS 322 -生物能量学和代谢3
NUTR 200 -食品科学概念和食品安全3
NUTR 220 -营养3
NUTR 238 -健康烹饪基础3
NUTR 342 -食品系统和公共卫生3
NUTR 400 -食品,健康和疾病3
NUTR 410 -横跨七大洲的营养3
nurr 420 -设计和支持健康社区4
NUTR 430 -创新和营养专题3
OS 424 -健康教育理论(原hos 424)4
PUB 200 -公共卫生基础3
PUB 205 -流行病学原理3
PUB 305 -研究方法3
SOC 275 -食品和健康社会学3
一(1)业务选修课(前缀为BUEC、BUFI、BUMG) or BUMK)3

要了解有关该计划的更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.

Changes were made to this program in an addendum to the 2022/23 academic calendar. Please see the 2022–2023 Catalog Addendum (PDF) for the most recent information. 一如既往地, it is recommended that students seek the guidance of Academic Advisors for course and program planning. In this way, you will be able to access all the most up-to-date information available.


If you're interested in pursuing an advanced degree in 营养, check out UNE在线应用营养学硕士学位.




你的营养科学知识和研究技术, 你的沟通和协作能力, and your rich internship experiences will give you a healthy advantage in the field of 营养.

你可以继续读研究生, leading to a master’s degree as a registered dietician or certified 营养 specialist (CNS), 或者你可以探索一些有意义的职业, 包括:

  • 营养教育工作者
  • 健康教练
  • 运动营养师
  • 营养项目经理
  • 健康促进协调员
  • 工地健康经理
  • 营养研究助理

根据美国.S. 劳工部职业前景手册, careers in the 营养 field are expected to grow 14% between 2016 and 2026 — a growth rate that is faster than average for all occupations.


Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, 职业建议 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.



Watch UNE students as they utilize our state-of-the-art teaching kitchen. 厨房设有12个烹饪台, 六个烤箱, 还有两台冰箱, enabling us to create a learning laboratory for our 营养 students. 多道菜利用了厨房, all of which prepare our students for eligibility into UNE’s 应用营养学在线研究生课程.





Whether you’re engaged in a service-learning project out in the community, 在我们的商业厨房学习食品安全技术, or creating a meal plan for diabetes patients as part of a hospital internship, our Nutrition degree gives you real-world experiences that will feed your desire to succeed.

  • Learn to prepare nutritious meals in our large commercial kitchen
  • Bring your dream restaurant to life by using state-of-the-art technology in our Makerspace
  • Interact with students across the health professions as you learn to be part of a successful health care team



作为一名学生在我们的B.S. 在营养, you work with many different organizations to gain critical real-world experience. 合作网站包括:

  • 缅因医疗中心
  • 缅因州SNAP-Ed项目
  • 中美合作大学体育健身中心
  • 南缅因医疗保健
  • 大学体育系
  • UNE健康计划


Ready to begin your future in UNE’s 营养学理学学士学位? 今天就开始吧.